Shoplifting Attorneys at Monmouth Mall
Well over a hundred a people are arrested for shoplifting at Monmouth Mall in Eatontown, New Jersey every year. These arrests can often involve related charges for receiving stolen property, burglary tools, credit card fraud, or even robbery if you scuffled with the loss prevention officer or security guard on the way out. However, no matter the facts of your case, one thing is the same – if you have been arrested for shoplifting, the store will normally do everything in their power to prosecute you including providing video surveillance and showing up to court. Over the years, the attorneys at Proetta & Oliver have handled quite a few cases for clients facing shoplifting charges in either the Eatontown Municipal Court or Monmouth County Superior Court depending the amount alleged. That is because the seriousness of your shoplifting charges depends on the amount of money taken and this can determine whether you will face disorderly persons offense (misdemeanor) or an indictable crime (felony). To learn more about how the process works and your options after being charged with a shoplifting offense, contact our office today at (732) 856-9959 to speak with an experienced New Jersey shoplifting lawyer during a free consultation.
Arrested for Shoplifting at Monmouth Mall
Monmouth Mall is one of the oldest operating malls in New Jersey, having originally opened in 1960. Since that time it has undergone several renovations and expansions resulting in it tripling from its original size to address the growing shopping demands and population growth of Monmouth County residents. The Monmouth Mall now stands at a respectable 1.5 million square feet of retail space and houses over 150 stores. Its sheer size makes it 4th largest mall in New Jersey behind neighboring Freehold Raceway Mall and tied with Willowbrook Mall. The Monmouth Mall has several large department stores or anchors stores including Boscov’s, JCPenny, Lord & Taylor, Macy’s and Barnes & Noble. For a more comprehensive list of the Monmouth Mall store directory please visit the link to their official site. Although shoplifting incidents can take place at almost any kind of store, these larger department stores seems to garner the most shoplifting arrests in Monmouth Mall every year. Based on our experience, we have found that most people feel a stronger temptation because you are normally in a large area by yourself and it does not appear you are being watched. However, in recent years these large department stores have dedicated much more time and money to security to prevent attempted shopliftings by utilizing immense high tech camera systems and teams of loss prevention officers who monitor the surveillance and walk around the stores in plain clothes. Once you are stopped by a loss prevention officer for an alleged shoplifting it is always best to cooperate and be compliant. Although they do not have the same power as a police officer, you could be charged with additional offenses or more serious crimes if you fight with them or flee the scene. After assessing the situation, the loss prevention officers or store representatives will determine whether to call the police or not. If the police come, you will most likely be issued a criminal complaint with a mandatory court appearance. At this point it is always best to contact an experienced attorney who could best advise you of your options and how to proceed.
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