Lawyer for Lord & Taylor Shoplifting Charges in New Jersey
Lord & Taylor charges and prosecutes hundreds of defendants every year for shoplifting in their New Jersey store locations. Our New Jersey shoplifting lawyers are no stranger to defending clients against Lord & Taylor shoplifting accusations and working with their store representatives. As a large department store, Lord & Taylor sells a large assortment of merchandise including clothes, handbags, jewelry, watches and shoes and this provides various opportunities to potentially conceal or steal smaller merchandise. Interestingly, a large portion of the shoplifting cases we defend involve situations where customers actually purchase a considerable amount of merchandise but then fail to pay for a couple items which results in them being charged with shoplifting. This can create a “proof” issue as to whether the defendant actually had the intent to deprive the store of the merchandise or whether it was an honest mistake. At Proetta & Oliver we offer free consultations and we encourage prospective clients to give us a call so we can speak with them about the specific facts of your case during a confidential consultation. If you are interested in learning more about how we may be able to help you, contact our office today at (732) 856-9959 and speak with an experienced criminal attorney.
Arrested for Shoplifting at Lord & Taylor
Lord & Taylor has around a dozen locations throughout New Jersey including a stand alone store in Westfield and several locations in various shopping malls including Monmouth Mall in Eatontown, Woodbridge Center Mall, Freehold Raceway Mall, Livingston Mall, Quaker Bridge Mall in Lawrenceville, Garden State Plaza in Paramus, Bridgewater Commons and Rockaway Square Mall. Lord & Taylor employs a large scale security team that keep eyes on customers and would-be shoplifters 24/7 as they peruse the store aisles. They are well trained and organized and no matter which store or mall you were arrested in, each Lord & Taylor store in New Jersey handles shoplifters the same. First you will most likely be detained and searched, at which time they will typically require you sign a statement admitting to what you did and agreeing to not go back to the store. Next, the police will be called and you will receive a criminal complaint with a mandatory court appearance. Once you go to court, the store representative or loss prevention officer will most likely show up and provide evidence including surveillance video and their incident report. Moreover, the prosecutor will normally take their opinion into consideration because they are representatives for the “victim” of the crime – which is Lord & Taylor itself. This is prime example of when a shoplifting defense lawyer can help big time. An experienced attorney can often conference your case with all the involved parties in an attempt to resolve the charges against you without a trial or sometimes even negotiate the charges being downgraded or dismissed completely.