Brunswick Square Shoplifting Lawyers
Arrested in East Brunswick for shoplifting? Well there is a good chance that the offense took place at the Brunswick Square Mall located at the intersection of Route 18 and Rues Lane in East Brunswick, New Jersey. If you were stopped by store personnel for shoplifting at Brunswick Square then the police were probably called to investigate. The East Brunswick police department has an aggressive police force who are well trained and experienced in handling and processing shoplifting offenses. They respond quickly to shoplifting calls to either catch people in the act before they leave the store or after store security has detained them. In situations where the individual made it out of the store and drove off, the police will often give chase. The police and store security will collect the merchandise that was allegedly taken or concealed and add up its total cost to determine what level of shoplifting they should charge you with. For instance if the amount is under $200 then it will be a disorderly persons offense shoplifting that will be handled in the East Brunswick Municipal Court and if the amount was over $500 then you will be charged with a third degree shoplifting crime which will be sent to the Middlesex County Superior Court. However, no matter the facts of your case, you can rest assured that our shoplifting attorneys will aggressively defend you in furtherance of a downgrade or dismissal of your charges.
Shoplifting Crimes at Brunswick Square Mall
Brunswick Square Mall may not be a giant compared to some of the state’s mega malls like nearby Woodbridge Center and Menlo Park Mall which are also both located in Middlesex County, but it still attracts its fair share of shoppers and shoplifting incidents. In fact Brunswick Square sits at just under 770,000 square feet of retail space, which makes it 1/2 to 1/3 the size of its neighboring malls. So this begs the question – then why are there so many shoplifting arrests at Brunswick Square? Well in our experience we have found that defendants charged with shoplifting at Brunswick Square chose that location because it is smaller and therefore believed that security may not be as thorough or good. Unfortunately this is just not the case, especially with large department stores like JCPenney and Macy’s, which anchor single story shopping mall at either end. These department stores are nationwide and very well organized security systems and professionally trained teams of loss prevention officers whose job it is to spot shoplifting crimes taking place. Moreover, with over 60 stores including Sephora, Victoria’s Secret, Payless ShoeSource, Forever 21 and Old Navy, this mall provides plenty of opportunities and choices for would-be shoplifters. If you were arrested for shoplifting at Brunswick Square then it is important that you learn about your rights and options. Our New Jersey shoplifting lawyers provide a free consultation to prospective clients where we can answer your questions and address your concerns. To learn more, give us a call today at (732) 856-9959 for a free consultation.